asperger's syndrome

A form of autism believe it or not. Named after Hans Asperger. Aspergers Syndrome can be mild or extreme. Its a gift and a curse at the same time. Its known mostly for being a social issue. People with it can walk and talk like normal people but the ability to handle talking with people, dealing with people, understand social "cues" and even so much as going up and asking for a new cheeseburger in a restaurant if it is made wrong without feeling like a complete idiot and fearing what the people working there are thinking of them can and will be VERY hard. In other cases, so much as walking down the street is a problem for these people. People with aspergers syndrome often have very small interests for example computers or radio or a certain TV show or music. Because of their lack of the ability to deal with people, people with this issue often stick to themselfs. Often in their rooms. They learn about their favorite subjects to the point of having encyclopedic knowldege of the subject. This is partially where the term "little professer" came from. Aspergers Syndrome comes with a few additional problems. People with it often have strong OCD and deal with panic attacks. Poeple with it have problems being touched. So much as being hugged or touched by their parents, family or anybody even close to them can be a very bad expirence for them. grooming, wearing of socks, can be a problem. bad posture is also a common problem with people with aspergers syndrome.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to asperger's syndrome. Some of the top words include: social retardation, garn, sms, Pod, weirdo, and 25 more.